Is Working from Home all it's cracked up to be?

I know from personal experience what happened when Covid struck.

First it was work from home for a few days then very quickly it was furlough for a few weeks maybe even months.....

But then it was we are looking for redundancies, and they asked for volunteers.

Having been through this kind of thing (redundancies) for 7 times before (maybe 8 but lost count), this time I thought I would do it on my terms.

This is compared to being forced out the door previously due to cost saving, reorganisation, millennium dot con even.

Now the telegraph is reporting that Working from home is no longer a good thing for the workers

Okay so what should you do if you are given the option of staying on looking over your shoulder for the next set of redundancies, this time maybe down to AI or plain old cost cutting rather than business building.

I would suggest you need to find a credible backup plan that actually rewards you for the results you generate.

Not one of those send me £60 and while you sleep you will have something automatically generated for you giving you £500 by the morning kind of things

But one like ours that relies on you getting off your a@@@ or maybe even online only of you are good at the influencing game, and finding some real regular customers that are looking for some or all of their daily consumable products like things they could buy from the supermarket (albeit our brands won't show there to be honest).  There's all kinds of quality products that all have no quibble guarantees that you would expect from a reliable trusted company that chooses to market their products through a rapidly expanding network of normal everyday people looking to secure and control their income and future.

Anyway check out our product range and decide if you yourself may firstly become a customer of a cool friendly distributor like me for example 

Or alternatively just keep doing what you are doing and guess what you will just keep getting what you are getting.

If you are indeed happy with that - why are you still reading this?


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