
Showing posts with the label Backup Plan

14.5 million living in poverty before Pandemic

Most people do Network Marketing every day - they just don’t get paid for it!

What if there was a self fulfilling prophecy, whereby you simply needed to decide how much you want or need to earn say every week...

If an extra £20 a week can make a big difference, how would an extra £50 a week sound?

Good phrase to live by - Do as much as you can, whilst you can, as quickly as you can..... so that when you can’t - you won’t have to! Speed of action important as no one knows how long they have got.

The alternative to working for yourself is just like Dolly Parton says in 9 to 5 - spot on Dolly!

Protecting the Finances for a traditional business - a theoretical case study - without names to protect the guilty.

Is it 5 O'clock Yet? vs Its 5 o’clock somewhere mentality!

Britain’s Covid Jobs Crisis is here - maybe we can help ?

125,000 retail jobs gone due to COVID....

If you are still on the fence maybe it’s now time to jump in!

Keep It Short and Simple - KISS principle

There's a lot of things that hold us back in life. The biggest thing is ourself. Personal Development is the key to Success in Life!

If you feel that your current job and income is secure with nothing to worry about - be aware it is always easy to take things for granted. You may be one of the lucky ones.

You can just bury your head in the sand if you want to!

Some key Youtube Videos

Always have a Backup Plan v All eggs in one Basket

Why the early results are not that important !

You do have to set targets and track your progress regularly!